Common Django Apps To Use

Published: at 12:00 AM

Here is a brief list of django apps I often use:

Misc. apps (e.g. analytics, db setup)

- django-debug-toolbar (Debugging tool that shows detailed performance and query information in the browser.)
- django whitenoise
- dj-database-url (Simplifies database configuration using a single connection string (e.g., for Render).)
- django-tailwind
- django extensions (Adds helpful extensions like model field generators, shell-plus, and graph models.)
- django htmx
- Django Rest Framework
    - For building APIs (though I need to take a look at Django Ninja)
- Django AllAuth (Comprehensive library for user authentication, including social logins (Google, Facebook, etc.).)
- Django Rest Auth (Provides endpoints for user authentication and registration in DRF-based projects.)
- Django Storages (for easy setup with R2 to store media)
- Django crispy forms (superior form management)
- Pillow (image manipulation always comes up)
- Celery (always comes up)
- Django Environ (simplifying environment variables)

Curious to check out in the future

- django filter (Adds filtering capabilities to Django queries, especially useful with DRF.)
- faker, factory_boy, django_seed, django_fixtures (could be useful with AI generated data)
- DJoser (Offers a set of Django REST Framework views for user authentication.)
- Django Axes (Protects against brute force login attacks.)
- Django resized (image resizing is useful)
- Django q (alternative to celery, might be easier to use I don't know)
- Django anymail (seems decent for email setup)
- Django-compressor
- Django-secure (enforce best security practises)
- Pytest (testing setup might be much easier now with AI)
- Django-parler (multi languages)